HoldenCAPITAL is excited to announce the launch of HoldenCAPITAL Partners (HCP) - AFS Licence number 481944.
HoldenCAPITAL Partners (HCP) provides sophisticated investors with the opportunity to participate in first mortgage, second mortgage and preferred equity investment opportunities.
HoldenCAPITAL Partners is powered by HoldenCAPITAL, Australia’s #1 Commercial Mortgage Broker in 2015, 2016 and 2017. This relationship is what sets us apart from our competitors providing HCP investors with exclusive access to a constant flow of quality loan opportunities to consider.
In the constantly changing property finance sector, HoldenCAPITAL identified there was strong demand from sophisticated investors seeking the opportunity to directly invest in the development sector. This included investors with the professional skills and industry knowledge who have the capability to invest but are time poor as well as others who have a keen interest in the sector but not the resources to identify and qualify their investment.
HCP will provide these sophisticated investors with a selection of carefully qualified projects or future sites to invest in and by doing so will enable the developer to convert an opportunity into a reality in a market where finance is becoming an even more valuable commodity.
Interested investors can access the HoldenCAPITAL Partners website here and learn more about this exciting addition to the HoldenCAPITAL network of development services.