Holden Capital Partners
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HCP Investment Opportunities

The investment opportunities we present will generally fall into three main risk vs reward structures:


HCP Investor Testimonial

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Latest Completed Investments (Investors Repaid)

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Start investing with HCP - 3 Easy Steps


The Investment Process

Investor Portal

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The HoldenCAPITAL Partners Investor Portal provides you with easy and secure access to your portfolio anytime, anywhere.

HCP Borrowing Opportunities

HoldenCAPITAL Partners provides non-bank lending to the property development sector. We work alongside property developers throughout Australia, offering reliable funding solutions to help them grow their business and develop a pipeline of projects.

HCP facilitates a wide range of borrowing opportunities for all stages of a project’s life cycle, ranging from site acquisition through to construction and completed stock. We can provide access to senior debt, mezzanine debt and equity capital on flexible terms at attractive pricing not typically available via traditional lending avenues.

Since 2017, our experienced team has completed loan facilities exceeding $200 million across some 50+ projects. Our funding capacity has grown and we are now providing commercial property loans up to $15 million.

Need to secure funding for a current or upcoming project? Submit a scenario via our ExpressFUND now or contact us to discuss your next property development project.

Our Commercial Property Finance Products

The HCP Advantage

HoldenCAPITAL Partners is powered by HoldenCAPITAL, Australia’s #1 Commercial Mortgage Broker in 2015, 2016 and 2017. This relationship is what sets us apart from our competitors providing HCP investors with exclusive access to a constant flow of quality loan opportunities to consider. 

HoldenCAPITAL Partners also provides investors with the opportunity to participate in multiple Select Loan Investments (SLI's), enabling them to build their own portfolio of SLI's based on their personal risk/return appetite (refer Important Information below).

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// Currency format eg $1,000,000.00